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人类不可能一直倒霉吧?【生活如天籁需要凝神静听】 ▶3:17
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在痔疮最严重时,凳子突然塌陷,当着女友面被铁棍扎屁股,她会是什么反应??【翼刀整蛊奇闻录】 ▶28:53
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Aitbek Amangeldi on Instagram: "Сегодня провели эфир на тему «Почему нужно освещать и поддерживать *ЗаконСалтанат» Поговорили о том, почему этот закон касается каждого, какой путь нас ждет, как нужно воспринимать информацию, каким СМИ нужно доверять и почему независимые СМИ являются четвертой властью в Казахстане. Защитим @zhanna.assanova от атаки 🙏 Спасибо ребята 🙏 @assem_zhapisheva Асем Жапишева, журналистка, сценаристка, cоосновательница изданий @masa.media.kz, @tilkespekjoq @aisana_ashim А ▶0:09
Aitbek Amangeldi on Instagram: "Сегодня провели эфир на тему «Почему нужно освещать и поддерживать *ЗаконСалтанат» Поговорили о том, почему этот закон касается каждого, какой путь нас ждет, как нужно воспринимать информацию, каким СМИ нужно доверять и почему независимые СМИ являются четвертой властью в Казахстане. Защитим @zhanna.assanova от атаки 🙏 Спасибо ребята 🙏 @assem_zhapisheva Асем Жапишева, журналистка, сценаристка, cоосновательница изданий @masa.media.kz, @tilkespekjoq @aisana_ashim А ▶1:01
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Kiki & Koko | Beagles 🐶 on Instagram: "POV: mum is the weak link 🤣🤣 After weeks and months of requests to see mama cook, she finally decided to be brave and give it a go. It’s safe to say that it was a cooking disaster BUT she had a lot of fun 🥳 How do you think she did? 🤔 The full step-by-step recipe can be found on @hundeoapp in the „beagleskiko” recipe tab 🐾 Ingredients used: green beans, bell pepper, carrot, bok choy, bean sprouts, broccoli, egg, chicken, turmeric, parsley, coconut oil ▶0:33
Kiki & Koko | Beagles 🐶 on Instagram: "POV: mum is the weak link 🤣🤣 After weeks and months of requests to see mama cook, she finally decided to be brave and give it a go. It’s safe to say that it was a cooking disaster BUT she had a lot of fun 🥳 How do you think she did? 🤔 The full step-by-step recipe can be found on @hundeoapp in the „beagleskiko” recipe tab 🐾 Ingredients used: green beans, bell pepper, carrot, bok choy, bean sprouts, broccoli, egg, chicken, turmeric, parsley, coconut oil ▶1:03:44
凡人修仙传:七玄门由我韩立 来守护! ▶0:42
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Esra Oğuz Yılmaz on Instagram: "Dünyada ki insanların �’i yatağını toplamıyor. Nedeni ise sürekli toplayıp bozmak onlara saçma geliyor. . Böyle bir araştırma okudum ve bana Amiral William H. McRaven’ın “Yatağını Topla” kitabını hatırlattı. Muhtemelen � lik kesim de onun anlattığı özelliklere uyan kişilerdir. . O kitaptan birkaç güzel cümle paylaşayım; . “Hayat zor zamanlarla doludur. Ama dışarıda bir yerlerde sizden daha kötü durumda olan biri her zaman vardır. . Günlerinizi acımayla, gördüğünüz ▶0:31
Esra Oğuz Yılmaz on Instagram: "Dünyada ki insanların �’i yatağını toplamıyor. Nedeni ise sürekli toplayıp bozmak onlara saçma geliyor. . Böyle bir araştırma okudum ve bana Amiral William H. McRaven’ın “Yatağını Topla” kitabını hatırlattı. Muhtemelen � lik kesim de onun anlattığı özelliklere uyan kişilerdir. . O kitaptan birkaç güzel cümle paylaşayım; . “Hayat zor zamanlarla doludur. Ama dışarıda bir yerlerde sizden daha kötü durumda olan biri her zaman vardır. . Günlerinizi acımayla, gördüğünüz ▶3:03
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凡人修仙传:第67话 初入星海7 ▶
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Little girl does her hair all by herself and it's adorable! 😍 ▶
Qu’est-ce que vous en pensez ? (Histoire d’abonnée) Pour donner mon avis sur le témoignage de cette abonnée sur ce qui continue de se passer, bien qu’il y ait 4 ans entre la confession et le moment des faits, elle n’est pas en tort. Elle était une enfant qui devait prendre position pour son bien-être dans une relation familiale instable. J’espère qu’aujourd’hui elle est épanouie dans sa vie bien qu’elle fasse face à l’immaturité d’adultes. Oui, les adultes dans la plupart des cas sont des enfant ▶
Qu’est-ce que vous en pensez ? (Histoire d’abonnée) Pour donner mon avis sur le témoignage de cette abonnée sur ce qui continue de se passer, bien qu’il y ait 4 ans entre la confession et le moment des faits, elle n’est pas en tort. Elle était une enfant qui devait prendre position pour son bien-être dans une relation familiale instable. J’espère qu’aujourd’hui elle est épanouie dans sa vie bien qu’elle fasse face à l’immaturité d’adultes. Oui, les adultes dans la plupart des cas sont des enfant ▶
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Lola Astanova - Here is a snippet of my new original... ▶
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Gülcemal 2.Bölüm Fragmanı ▶
Название трансляции ▶
Даша, Яна и соня!!! ▶
There are a lot of cats in Istanbul and people love them! *bikinibottombuzz *bikinibottomnews *fyp *news *longervideo *1min ▶
There are a lot of cats in Istanbul and people love them! *bikinibottombuzz *bikinibottomnews *fyp *news *longervideo *1min ▶
Музон пополной😱💕💕 ▶
Night time routine ▶
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Girl looks adorable after cutting off floor-length hair ▶


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